Thursday, January 6, 2011

the wicked witch of the west speaks again

Quote of the week

“If everyone in America was very, very pleased with his or her health insurance and had no complaints, and had access to quality affordable health care in our country, it still would have been necessary for us to pass the health-care reform bill because we could not sustain the system,”  Nancy Pelosi January 4, 2011.

Counterquotes of the week

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
-- Mark Twain, 1894

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. "
-- Mark Twain (1866) 

Here is a video of Nancy Pelosi trying to justify the tactics the democrats used to ram Obamacare through Congress.  Enjoy!

Mrs. Pelosi just doesn't get it.  The American people know the costs of health insurance is too high and heading higher.  The American people do not want more government interference in health care.  Obamacare scares Americans because it is a paving stone in the road to socialism.   This is why the democrats lost the house in the 2010 election.

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