Saturday, November 26, 2011

Barry Seotero's Thanksgiving day failure

President Obama forgot (OOOOPPPPSSSS!!!) to mention GOD in his thanksgiving speech to the USA. Well, so what, when you consider the abuse he had to take from his 20 year pastor Jeremy Wright, maybe it was not so bad. WRONG!!! IF you want to lead a nation with the religious traditions of the USA you need to mention GOD in your speeches.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupy Chicago teach in receives instructions from above

Occupy Chicago had a teach-in recently that was disrupted by Chicago Board of Trade employees. The CBOT employees dropped McDonald's employment applications of the teach-in participants. I personally found it very offensive. The politically correct thing to do would be to mix in applications for Wendy's, Pizza Hut, K-Mart and others. Interesting fact. One in eight Americans has been a McDonald's employee at one point in their lives.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

patriotic millionaires for fiscal strength "oops" moment

On November 16, 2011, the patriotic millionaires for fiscal strength petitioned the super committee to raise the marginal tax rate on everyone earning one million dollars or more to 39.5 percent. Too bad none of them brought their checkbooks. I guess they plan to mail in their contributions to boost the bottom line of the USPS.