Friday, October 29, 2010

2 Videos of 2 demagogues trying to rewrite history of their past statements

Here's two videos to think about on election day, Tuesday 2 November, 2010. The first one is from For America reminding us of what a nightmare Obamacare is. The second one is from CNBC Power Lunch.  It features the master of the disasters known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, rep Barney Frank, the first openly gay congressman and currently the chairman of the house financial services committee.  In it he states after the FM/FM collapse that he was always opposed to sub prime mortgages and advocated more rental housing??!!  Does he not know most of his statements in congress are on C-Span and in many cases YouTube as well?  The Power Lunch reporters conjured up one statement from 2005 that contradicts his first statement.

video 1

video 2