Friday, June 3, 2011

Qaddafi's Green Book On Socialism

Here is a clip of former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's appearance on Libyan TV. She sounds like a grade school teacher which leads me to believe she regards anyone that does not agree with her politics is juvenile. She ran on the green party ticket for the U.S. Presidency in 2008. Chronic overachiever that she is, her goal was to capture 5% of the votes. The Green Party was created for people of color. That is the politically correct term for non-white people. She said she discovered Qaddafi's Green Book on a visit to Libya. The Green Book opposes capitalism, the creating force behind modern transatlantic travel. I guess she either swam to Libya or used capitalist created jet airliners. She also liked Qaddafi's concept of direct democracy which she defined as the politically correct term for Socialism.
Ms. McKinney's only reference to the Libyan resistance movement was to say someone attributed Qaddafi's mercenary troops as black, which she said was typical propaganda that U.S. black people were used to. I never read anywhere the mercenaries were black, they were referred to as Syrians, an Arab nation not an African one.

To see the clip on YouTube just click here.

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