Saturday, August 21, 2010

A sad day for the First Family

The first family is vacationing at Martha's Vineyard. Some of the beaches there are closed due to possible coliform contamination. President Obama played golf instead of swimming.

Rima Fakih, the first Muslim winner of the Miss USA pageant, said she agreed with Mr. Obama's statement that the Cordoba Initiative has the Constitutional right to build a mosque there. She also went on to say she felt it should not be built so close to ground zero. According to the New York Post, she said "I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

Finally, Obama's mortgage aid program had a 48% dropout rate according to a recent treasury department report. "The government program as currently structured is petering out. It is taking in fewer homeowners, more are dropping out and fewer people are ending up in permanent modifications," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. This was reported at in an article by AP's Economics Writer Martin Crutsinger. On the bright side 32% of homeowners in the program received permanent mortgage modifications and are current on their payments.

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