Friday, January 29, 2010

Go Michelle Obama!!!

Where have I been lately? I just read about Michelle Obama's initiative on childhood obesity. Finally, something really substantial that will lower the spiraling cost of health care. This is something I forgot to put in my last post on the subject. Reversal of the growing epidemic of obesity will save scads of money in the future without lots of taxes today.
This is a great example of what our government needs to do, start using a variation of the KISS principle. Instead of Keep It Simple Stupid, Keep It Short and Succinct. As I have ranted before, it is easier and less burdensome to enact a 50 page bill than a 500 page bill. 2000 page bills are a nightmare for small businesses, why does our congress keep working on them?
Another interesting tidbit I learned is the Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin, is overweight. She defends her size by saying it helps her identify with the 67% of Americans who are overweight. I am obese and my doctor is very lean. He is an active runner. He practices what he preaches. Maybe this will be a great opportunity for Vice Admiral Benjamin to lead the way by personal lifestyle changes to lose weight.
Ranting about weight loss and government action, check out OKCmillion. Mick Cornett, mayor of Oklahoma City initiated a challenge to his city to lose 1 million pounds. Oklahoma City is one of the most overweight cities in the USA. Mayor Cornett started this campaign so Oklahoma City can shed its overweight stigma. (Sorry, I couldn't resist that almost pun.)

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