Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A few more thoughts on healthcare overhaul (aka nationalized medicine)

There is an old saying," if it ain't broke, don't fix it." The USA has the best healthcare delivery system on this planet. It is not broken but nonetheless fearless leaders in DC, mainly liberals and democrats, want to overhaul it. An overhaul is not needed. The problem every American has with our healthcare system is the drastic increases in its costs. This is what needs fixing. Unfortunately, our politicians are only good at taxing Americans and then giving some of it back to bribe us to vote for them. This is why there is so much stress and disagreement coming out on the healthcare issue. American voters are justified in their fear of what the warlocks and witches of congress will conjure up as an "overhaul" of our health care system. Americans need to deluge their congressional representatives with their viewpoints on healthcare. Eventually they will listen or be voted out of office.

The lack of universal healthcare coverage is the lamest excuse Big Brother Government Healthcare advocates use in this debate. They harp on the fact that the USA is the only "developed " country on earth without it. Two questions come to mind when I hear this. First,"and your point is . . ?" and second "So Frigging What??!!!" When I was growing up, I used this argument to try to get my parents permission to do something. The conversation would go like this. Me," can I do such and such, all the other kids at school can do it." My parents response, " if all the other kids at school jumped out of an airplane without a parachute, would you do it too?" Needless to say, we did not have very many of these conversations.

Another phrase I am tired of hearing from politicians is "the need to create a level playing field." This is usually given as an excuse for whatever legislation they want taxpayers to fund whether we want to or not. Well, I just found a website dedicated to all you level playing field fans. For a glimpse of level playing field Utopia, click here.

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