Saturday, July 18, 2009

More scare tactics on health care reform

This is from President Obama's weekly address to the nation today. You can read the entire text or watch the video at
"Or whether we'll seize this opportunity -- one we might not have again for generations -- and finally pass health insurance reform this year, in 2009."(italics mine)
What is the basis for this?? What will happen 09/01/2009 that will prevent any form of legislation on health care for generations?! Congress is just taking their summer recess. They will come back and carry on as they always do. President Obama does not tell us the source of his urgency in his speech today or any other day that I am aware of. I sure hope he tells America why we can only act now, the suspense is killing me.

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Az) delivered the Republican Weekly Address today and proposed a reason for President Obama's repeated warnings that it is now or never for health care reform.
"The President and some Democrats insist we must rush this plan through, why? Because the more Americans know about it, the more they oppose it. Something this important needs to be done right, rather than done quickly."

At first glance, it sounds like a conspiracy theory. But the more I review the rhetoric and the conspiracy theories of the President and the Democrats, his explanation becomes more and more plausible. You can watch his address here on youtube.

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