Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Brother or Waxman the wimp??

On Thursday, April 2, 2009 the US House of Representatives passed H. R. 1256, the Waxman Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act by a vote of 298-112. (Italics mine) This act gives the FDA authority to regulate tobacco products by such means as larger warning statements, disclosure of ingredients, limits on flavoring additives and control of marketing efforts, especially when children are targeted. (italics mine again) If you are interested in the details and want a better return on your tax dollars, visit this site . Do not read this in front of your computer workstation. It is such a great antidote for insomnia you will end up with your head on your keyboard which could initiate a large bill for membership to very obscure websites you didn't know existed.

Rep. Waxman proclaimed his so-called triumph over the evil tobacco industry with this press announcement:
"This is truly a historic day in the fight against tobacco, and I am proud that we have taken such decisive action," said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., the bill's sponsor. "Today we have moved to place the regulation of tobacco under FDA in order to protect the public health, and now we all can breathe a little easier."

If this proclamation does not win the lamest, worst excuse of a pun award, there shouldn't be one!!

Also, please note that there are more regulations and restrictions in this bill than the earlier tobacco settlement. (AKA government sponsored extortion) Our fearless leaders in Congress justify this in the name of dramatic improvements in public health. It seems they have discovered what the American public has known for decades. Tobacco use can be bad for your health. Another noteworthy item, all of these draconian "Big Brother" regulations are the result of Congress' supposed altruistic concern for public health. If they are so concerned about their beloved taxpayers, why doesn't this proposed law ban the sale of tobacco products, rather than create more laws and bureaucracy?? The answer is banned products cannot be taxed. In other words, Mr. Waxman and conspirators do not wish to kill the cash cow, just cut back on how much pasture they can access. More on this to come.

And one more thing. Isn't the FDA the same government agency whose diligent efforts maintain our food safety and security from such diseases as Escherichia coli (E. coli), salmonella and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(aka Mad Cow Disease)??? More on this to come as well.

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