Thursday, March 19, 2009

Congressional follies about AIG

Quote of the Day:

"Some People say I make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts."

Will Rogers

First of all, a standing ovation is due to Edward Liddy, CEO of AIG for standing up to the arrogance of Steven Lynch. (A Massachusetts democrat, definitely not the comedian!) Mr. Liddy took the job for $1.00 and no stock options to try and help out his country. Mr. Lynch was way out of line in his questioning of Mr. Liddy and should apologize. What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Lynch?

Second, this is $165 million, that's 6 zeros and 2 commas, not the trillions (12 zeros and 4 commas) that the bailout efforts and economic stimulus packages will cost the American taxpayers. This is just political grandstanding to deflect the interest of the press and public away from the massive spending the Obama Administration and Congress want to enact in the name of economic recovery. Politicos are very good at straining minnows and swallowing whales. It's called micromismanagement.

Third, were President Obama and Rep. Lynch both absent from law school the days contract law was taught? This was a pre-existing contract and failure to pay could have exposed AIG to lawsuits.

Fourth, will Timothy Geithner get his old job as Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Board back if he takes the fall for all this congressional hubris over $.0000165 trillion retention bonus that the original bailout bill allowed to go through in the first place?

I think Mr. Liddy should be given the chance to do what he said he will do in his recent letters to Treasury Secretary Geithner. Repay the bailout money and keep the good businesses of AIG intact and contributing to the USA economy. He was the CEO of Allstate, another large insurance company. He is offering all his experience for $1.00. He has a better chance of succeeding than any and all members of the house financial services committee could do. Remember, this committee repeatedly defended Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae right up until they went into conservatorship. How many of them work for $1.00. My educated guess is none,zip, goose egg, zero.

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