Monday, September 15, 2008

Praise for The Feds!!!

Here in Mt. Washington, It is Monday morning and the Federal Reserve Board's meeting failed to arrange a buyer for Lehman Brothers(LEH). The Feds refused to provide any funding or guarantees for a buyer of LEH so no one offered to buy it. Bank of America, one of the potential buyers of LEH did buy Merrill Lynch(MER)for $50 billion. LEH will file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
I am very pleased with the feds decision not to fund the purchase of LEH. The American taxpayers have already bailed out too many companies. We cannot afford to keep protecting investors from the risks they took on when they invested in subprime real estate. The credit markets need a correction and the sooner it starts the sooner the markets will recover. In my opinion, the bailout of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac was good money after bad. Hopefully I am wrong and the Fannie/Freddie buyout will help stabilize the market in the long term. Today and this week will be an interesting one for Wall Street and the financial services sector of our economy.

P.S. Remember yesterday's post saying that LEH was the most urgent concern? The meeting also was concerned about other financial services firms in dire straits. Two of the other firms on the short list of troubled companies are Washington Mutual, the largest savings bank in America and American International Group(AIG), one of the world's largest insurance companies. More to come on these companies soon.

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