Friday night John Boehner, Harry Reid and Barack Obama reached a budget agreement for the U.S. government. Conservatives and liberals complained there was too much compromise involved but hey, that is how agreements are reached between parties with different agendas. Personally, I would have preferred higher spending cuts. The democrats' threat to shut down the government would have hurt them more than the republicans. Remember, Bill Clinton shut the government down for 3 weeks in 1995 and we're still here. Back in the 1970s the government was shut down over budget problems. I was a Federal employee with the Social Security Administration at the time. I and my coworkers went to work every day. The only difference was our earnings from October 1 until the budget was resolved was delayed. We did not get any interest on the delayed funds even though they were in the U. S. Treasury deposits accounts earning interest.
At least we have a budget again. The
demagogues democrats were so busy with their 2500 page earmark and pork-laden piece of scrap law called obamacare they forgot(??!!) to make a budget. A budget is a map for government to follow. No budget means no real control over the government's spending.
One more point here. There were reports that non-essential federal employees would be laid off until the budget impasse was resolved. The number of employees affected was estimated between 500,000 and 800,000. If that number could be reduced that would be a considerable savings. It's like what Jay Leno said in response to Mr. Obama's request that small businesses increase hiring, The President forgot that only the government hires more people than they need.
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