Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DNC Chairwoman Returns From Pluto

Quote Of The Day:

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
- Mark Twain, a Biography

DemagoguesDemocrats are obsessive about accusing Republicans of being heartless and cruel to anyone besides the rich. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) displayed a Democratic flaw, the dreaded LGCA (little gray cell anemia) on Fox And Friends with Gretchen Carlson. Ms. Carlson said the unemployment has increased since Obama took office. Ms. Wasserman Schultz told Ms. Carlson that the unemployment rate has not gone up since Obama became president and is going down. Ms. Carlson realized that the DNC Chairwoman was fact-impaired and tried to help her out by using a simple yes or no question, Has the unemployment rate gone up since Obama took office? Wasserman Schultz gave a very vague and evasive answer that unemployment was nearing the rate it was at when Obama took office. Here is the unemployment rate monthly since Obama took office.

Unemployment Rate in the United States:


January, 7.6%

February, 8.1%

March, 8.5%

April, 8.9%

May, 9.4%

June, 9.5%

July, 9.4%

August, 9.7%

September, 9.8%

October, 10.2%

November, 10%

December, 10%


January, 9.7%

February, 9.7%

March, 9.7%

April, 9.9%

May, 9.7%

June, 9.5%

July, 9.5%

August, 9.6%

September, 9.6%

October, 9.6%

November, 9.8%

December, 9.4%


January, 9.0%

February, 8.9%

March, 8.8%

April, 9.0%

May, 9.1%

June, 9.2%

July, 9.1%

August, 9.1%

September, 9.1%

October, 9.0%

November, 8.6%

Thanks to CNSNews.com for the unemployment data

Here's a video of Ms. Wasserman Schultz's misstatement of facts.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Barry Seotero's Thanksgiving day failure

President Obama forgot (OOOOPPPPSSSS!!!) to mention GOD in his thanksgiving speech to the USA. Well, so what, when you consider the abuse he had to take from his 20 year pastor Jeremy Wright, maybe it was not so bad. WRONG!!! IF you want to lead a nation with the religious traditions of the USA you need to mention GOD in your speeches.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupy Chicago teach in receives instructions from above

Occupy Chicago had a teach-in recently that was disrupted by Chicago Board of Trade employees. The CBOT employees dropped McDonald's employment applications of the teach-in participants. I personally found it very offensive. The politically correct thing to do would be to mix in applications for Wendy's, Pizza Hut, K-Mart and others. Interesting fact. One in eight Americans has been a McDonald's employee at one point in their lives.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

patriotic millionaires for fiscal strength "oops" moment

On November 16, 2011, the patriotic millionaires for fiscal strength petitioned the super committee to raise the marginal tax rate on everyone earning one million dollars or more to 39.5 percent. Too bad none of them brought their checkbooks. I guess they plan to mail in their contributions to boost the bottom line of the USPS.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Advice for Obama, Biden & other "Fair SHare for Rich People's Taxes" Stop Demagoguing the Rich

Here is a few words of sage advice for Barack "middle class warrior" Obama. Stop demagoguing the rich. Who do you think is funding your campaign? If you think you are the advocate of the lower and middle classes, Do your campaign dinners at $1000.00 a plate and up take the food stamp card for payment?? No, there's a good reason for that. All lower class income and most all middle class income people cannot afford such outrageous prices, no matter how much they support you. Please note that Mr. Johnson is only one of three millionaire democratic contributors to be interviewed for this video segment.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Short Video on Obama's Leadership

Here's a video I found on Facebook. I hope you enjoy it.

Carney On Obama's Leadership from RightChange on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nancy Pelosi has Another Foolish Rant

Someone videotaped Nancy Pelosi ranting at the GOP for their fiscal responsibility acts. This was a fund raiser on August 21, 2011. This was after Standard & Poor downgraded the USA's credit rating for the first time since 1917, when S&P first started coverage of the USA credit worthiness. I guess Ms. Pelosi was so busy teaching Girl Scouts how to camp or sell cookies to notice the downgrade. Either that or she does not care about passing $14+ trillion in debt on to the next generation(s) of Americans, i. e. our children.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another Quote On The U.S. Debt

"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic." Presidential Candidate Barack Obama in Fargo, ND Campaign Event July 3, 2008

Remember, Barack Obama would not wear a U.S. Flag lapel pin on the campaign trail, preferring to find other methods for expressing his love for the USA and all it stands for; The U.S. Constitution and the rights it protects.

A Quote and an Observation

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Founding Father Patrick Henry

I just read an interesting article on the "Debt Runup Race" between George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama. Bush took 96 months to add $4.9 trillion to the U.S. debt. In 31 months Obama added $4.0 trillion to the U.S. debt. Is Bush a slacker compared to the overachieving Obama?? Or is it the other way around, Bush is an overachiever in fiscal responsibility compared to Obama's tax and spend, rinse and repeat approach to the U.S. debt problem??? Unless Obama really puts the brakes on the pending train wreck of the U.S. debt, I think Obama's one term spending will make Bush look like a penny-pincher, not a common characteristic of a U.S. politician, regardless of party.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm in Love!!!

Wow, Amilya Antonetti,chairman and CEO of AMA productions, is even smarter than she is gorgeous. Here is a brief clip of her on Fox morning news with Neal Cavuto. Just watch this to see what I mean.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

S & P lowers the U. S. credit rating to (gasp, moan ) . . . . AA+!!!

Standard & Poor reduced the U.S. government's long term credit rating to AA+. The good news is AA+ is the 2nd highest credit rating. Microsoft now has a higher credit rating than the U.S., but AA+ is still the envy of many governments and corporations. Ford Motor Company has a B+ rating, pretty impressive when you realize Ford did not request any stimulus, bailout or any other form of handouts from the U.S. government.

Here are a few fearless predictions on the effects of this historic event. (S&P has rated the U.S. government's long term debt at AAA since they first rated it in 1917)

1. No increase in the interest charged to the U.S. government. Remember, AA+ is still investment grade. Also remember lots of countries and the U.N. are dependent on the U.S. for protection from larger enemies.

2. We do have a large stockpile of thermonuclear weapons.(sarcasm alert!!)

3. We give away loads of money in foreign aid.

4. In the long term, The U.S. will learn a few valuable lessons and mend its ways. One of the biggest messages the election of 2010 sent to Washington was the lack of approval many voters have for the Pirates of the Potomac (our politicians). They believe D.C. suffers a severe lack of adult supervision.

Ignore all the finger pointing and blame setting. the U.S. did not get into this depression overnight because of one political party or one presidential administration. It took a long time and a lot of bad judgment by lots of people to get into this mess. It will take a while to undo the damage. The Japanese have a saying, fix the problem and not the blame. (Sean Connery to Wesley Snipes in Rising Sun, a great movie worth watching more than once )

Saturday, July 2, 2011

President Obama Going Bipolar Over Corporate Jets

In Wednesday's raging rant presser against Republicans over the debt limit extension, he specifically named corporate jet owners as a group the Republicans should deny any tax breaks to in order to help lower the deficit without cutting taxes and spending. This struck me as peculiar for at least two reasons. President Obama's stimulus bill encouraged purchase of large manufactured goods, corporate jets included, by offering accelerated depreciation. Accelerated depreciation allows corporations to write off more of the jet's purchase price on their tax returns. The goal was to get companies spending to help the economy, especially the ailing aviation industry. In September 2010, Mr. Obama signed the H.R. 5927, the Small Business Lending Fund Act. This bill also offered tax breaks for companies that purchased corporate jets. Mr. Obama said in Wednesday's speech, “I’ve said to some of the Republican leaders, you go talk to your constituents, the Republican constituents, and ask them are they willing to compromise their kids’ safety so that some corporate jet owner continues to get a tax break.” Quite a change of attitude, wouldn't you say?

I cannot imagine any private corporation, no matter what size it is, using a Boeing 747 to haul their CEO and senior executives around. Mr. Obama frequently uses Air Force 747s for his travels. According to Boeing, the 747 gets 5 gallons per mile. That is no typo folks, 5 gallons of jet fuel per mile. Mark Knoller, CBS news reporter, found this out from Boeing so he could report this on Mr. Obama's trip to DEs Moines, Iowa, to plant a single tree for earth day. Let's face facts, folks, Obama is just another limousine liberal. Do what I say and not what I do because I am smarter, wiser and better than you.

Friday, June 10, 2011

$3.6 Million for studies of drugged up monkeys on Taxpayer's Tab

Where's PETA when we need them? The National Institute for Drug Abuse, a division of the National Institute of Health, received $3.6 million over the last 10 years to get rhesus monkeys to smoke PCP, Heroin, Meth and Cocaine. One study even researched the effects of drugs on female monkeys during different stages of their menstrual cycles. I can just hear ex Madame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi complaining of gender discrimination because no studies were made of the effects of contraband drugs on male monkey menstrual cycles. What an affront, wait, make that assault on women such as Ms. Pelosi.

Here's the part that's really shocking. Monkeys react to drugs like people do: dilated pupils and high strung agitated behavior. Wait one minute, don't researchers experiment on monkeys because they are so similar to humans? I've got a better idea. Leave the monkeys in the jungles and rain forests, use convicts for research. The U.S. has lots of drug addicts in prisons now, let them earn their keep as research volunteers. They can get money like research volunteers on the outside do. Maybe give them less money and a get of jail early card as a reward for volunteering. Just make certain they live drug free after the research is completed so they will not fall back to their old habits when they are released.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

(Yet Another) Warning on The U.S. Government Debt

Today Fitch's Ratings issued a statement that if the U.S. Government does nothing to correct its growing debt problems it will review the U.S. Government's credit rating in August 2011. August 2011 is when the current emergency measures to extend the U.S. Government's ability to borrow money under the current debt ceiling expire. Moody's as well as Standard and Poor rating services have already issued warnings of a credit rating review. Is anyone in Congress or the Administration paying attention here?? We'll find out by Sept. 30. 2011, when the 2011 fiscal year ends.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Obama's slip of the tongue on religion

Here's a brief YouTube clip of an interview of Barack Obama by George Stephanopoulos. It is done in a barn. I wonder whose benefit this is for, Obama or Stephanopoulos? Anyway, Obama says McCain has not commented on his Muslin faith and his loyal sock puppet Stephanopoulos promptly corrects him by saying Christian faith.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Time is Running out on the U.S. Debt Problem

China recently lowered its holding of U.S. Treasury bills by 97%. Treasury bills are debt instruments that mature in 12 months or less.

Moody's said it would have to re-evaluate the U.S. credit rating of Aaa if there is no progress on reduction of the U.S. debt by Mid July, 2011.

The U.S. unemployment rate for May 2011 increased to 9.1% The Stimulus bill was supposed to lower unemployment to an 8% rate.

A word to the wise and our congress. We cannot keep delaying action on our debt problems any longer. Our past approach has been described as kicking the can down the road. We have hit a road block the size of the Great Wall of China and need to act now to reduce our debt. 40% of U.S. government spending is borrowed money. The interest on the debt is snowballing. Soon it will become an avalanche that will bury us and drastically reduce our economy and standard of living.

One last request of our congress: stop pointing the finger of blame at each other. There is enough blame for every democrat, republican, socialist, tea partier and everyone else. Be bold. Stop fixing the blame and start fixing the problem.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Qaddafi's Green Book On Socialism

Here is a clip of former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's appearance on Libyan TV. She sounds like a grade school teacher which leads me to believe she regards anyone that does not agree with her politics is juvenile. She ran on the green party ticket for the U.S. Presidency in 2008. Chronic overachiever that she is, her goal was to capture 5% of the votes. The Green Party was created for people of color. That is the politically correct term for non-white people. She said she discovered Qaddafi's Green Book on a visit to Libya. The Green Book opposes capitalism, the creating force behind modern transatlantic travel. I guess she either swam to Libya or used capitalist created jet airliners. She also liked Qaddafi's concept of direct democracy which she defined as the politically correct term for Socialism.
Ms. McKinney's only reference to the Libyan resistance movement was to say someone attributed Qaddafi's mercenary troops as black, which she said was typical propaganda that U.S. black people were used to. I never read anywhere the mercenaries were black, they were referred to as Syrians, an Arab nation not an African one.

To see the clip on YouTube just click here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Michigan Man wins Lottery Big Time, Legally Keeps Food Stamp Card

Over 11 months ago, Leroy Fick, age 59 of Auburn , Michigan won $2 million in the state lottery game "Make Me Rich". After taxes and fees, he was left with a less than paltry $850,000. Prior to his winnings, he was a Michigan Bridge Card recipient, AKA food stamps. Mr. Fick reported his winning to his local Department of Human Services. He was advised that since he accepted his winning in a lump sum payment, it did not affect his bridge card eligibility at all. If he had taken the winnings in annuity form spread over time, the money would be counted as income, rendering him ineligible for food assistance. Apparently, there is no resource or asset limits on food assistance. I used to work as a welfare case worker in the early 1990s and there was a $1,000.00 asset limit on food stamps. This was in Ohio. I cannot imagine that the Federal Guidelines for food assistance have changed that much. How will we ever balance our budget or reduce government spending if we keep giving money away like this??
Michigan's state population for 2010 was 10,079,985. 1.9 million people in Michigan received food assistance. That is 18.8 percent of the state's population on food assistance funded by taxpayers. In 2009 the Inspector General's office investigated 2600 food assistance complaints and found $5 million + in fraud. My question is how flagrant were these fraud cases if money in the bank is not fraud???

The Train to Nowhere Departing at a Leisurely Pace

Remember back to the Stimulus/Bailout/spend our way out of a recession caused by subprime lending ad nausem era how high speed trains (faster than a speeding bullet) were going to create lots of jobs and improve our infrastructure?? Well, guess what. Several states have reviewed their budgetary state of affairs and decided now is not the time to throw more money at a system that is currently losing money. So, no bullet trains for now. But wait, the state of Illinois is spending $3bn of their existing stimulus funds on adding 3 new trains to the 5 that run between Chicago and St. Louis. Not only that, the average speed of these trains will increase from 51.2 mph to 56.8 mph!!! Woo Hoo Hold on to your hats everyone!! We'll need airline pilots to fly these rail rockets!! I wonder how much more $$$ it would take to get these trains to the magical mile a minute speed of 60 mph?? 1, 2, 4 billion?? I doubt it. There would be calls for research on the effects of breaking this subsonic barrier on the environment, no doubt about it. Never mind that tractor trailer rigs break this barrier on a daily basis. To paraphrase Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's former chief of staff and the future mayor of Chicago, "Never let an opportunity to waste taxpayers money go to waste."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pelosi's District Awarded 38 of 204 Obamacare Waivers in April

Quote of the Day: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it…” – Nancy Pelosi, March 9, 2010, referring to obamacare

Counter Quote of the Day: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821

The Obama Administration's Department of Health and Human Services awarded 204 waivers from obamacare in April. 38 of these went to businesses in ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi's current congressional district. The unusual part of this story is the presence of luxury restaurants, hotels and boutiques in the winner's circle. One restaurant had entrees ranging from $15.00 to $60.00, definitely not a Mickey D's franchise. Usually, these waivers go to businesses with low wage jobs such as fast food restaurants and nursing homes. Most of the 38 winners did not return calls to the DailyCaller who reported this interesting coincidence. If memory serves me correctly, Nancy Pelosi was one of Obamacare's biggest supporters and called opponents of it astroturf and Nazis. Yes, folks, Nancy Pelosi, cheerleader emeritus for the 2500 pages of pork, earmarks and bribes known as Obamacare called people who objected to the nationalized and socialized aspects of this nightmare brought to our health care delivery system Nazis. Nazis were nationalist socialist led by Adolph Hitler in WWII. Maybe Pelosi meant it as a compliment. Maybe after reading the entire act Pelosi decided it was a mistake and was discretely cheering the TEA partyers on to victory. Right, Yeah!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

gutsycall.com . . .unbelievable

On 4 May, 2011 someone purchased the domain name "gutsycall.com" at GoDaddy.com. This person(s) also bought a privacy service where the owner's name is not given but refers to a GoDaddy subsidary so the public cannot find out the true owner of the domain without a court order. When someone types gutsycall.com into their browser's address bar, they are redirected to barackobama.com. Of course, the Obama administration is denying they set up the website or bought the domain name. I'm certain there are a few fans of BHO who would do this for him. No matter who did it, BHO still has to contend with our huge national debt, high unemployment and increased states resistance to obamacare. Let's not forget the immigration issue and the crime problems on the Mexican border. If BHO thinks he can sit on the laurels of bin Ladel's death and it will turn into a magic carpet to deliver him to November 2012 with popularity he has a lot to learn. One of the best things to come out of bin Laden's death, aside from the death itself, was a recent public opinion poll. Despite the Lamestream Media's talking airheads constant praise of BHO and his 18 hour delayed gutsy call, most Americans attribute the demise of bin Laden to the combined efforts of the CIA and the US Armed Forces. It is reassuring to know that common sense is still alive and well among the American people.

Latest Revelation From the White House

President Barack Obama made the earth stand still the other day when he revealed that Osama bin Laden had a support group within Pakistan!! I was quite flabbergasted since I would never had thought it was possible. Granted, OBL did stay there for several years; granted, he was very close to a Pakistani military academy and 3 Pakistani army regiments and he was in a neighborhood full of retired Pakistani military officers. I would never have connected the dots together to reach that conclusion. Maybe I should get a Harvard Law Degree. Nope, I don't want to become a socialist and despise the USA.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

bin Laden hit the wrong tower in NYC

Navi Pillay, UN high commissioner for human rights, has requested details on Osama bin Laden's death since all counterterrorism acts must respect international law. Respect international law?? Did the UN make inquiries to Al-qaeda for details on why they hijacked 4 commercial airliners and used them as weapons to destroy both NYC world trade towers, damage the Pentagon and crash in Pennsylvania killing 3000 people in one day?? No, they didn't. Apparently, Ms. Pillay has been on her Sony PlayStation the last 10 years and missed the ongoing saga of Osama bin Laden. I wonder if she would have made this absurd request if the PlayStation Network was not shut down. Has she become another addict of PlayStation? Is the withdrawal addling her thought processes? If the US had notified third parties such as Ms. Pillay, would operational secrecy been maintained?? I don't think so. Check out Michelle Malkin's response to Ms. Pillay here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Speaking of ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi

Here's an amusing video clip of Nancy Pelosi speaking on the virtues of unemployment insurance benefits.  Yes folks, she did find two good things about unemployment compensation.  It helps people who lost their jobs pay for food and shelter.  When people spend their unemployment benefits they "create" jobs.  It is an interesting idea that she claims has the support of many economists.  Except for the fact she and these economists have it all wrong, I would support the idea too.  The problem is unemployment benefits are 50% of a persons wages in a recent 12 month period.  So unemployed people are stimulating the economy less because they have to cut back on their spending.  Ms. Pelosi would really help stimulate the economy by putting her mind in gear and her mouth in neutral.  If she would help repeal obamacare and other job crushing tax bills she would see unemployment start to drop.  Every time congress finds a new way to spend the taxpayers money, they send more jobs offshore.  IF she would sponsor real immigration reform and cut down the number of illegal immigrants taking jobs from American Citizens.  Oops, I forgot, immigration amnesty is encouraged by democrats like Pelosi in hopes the immigrants will vote for them.  Stop taxing the citizens who are already here and you wouldn't need to import votes.


Note: This video was made in July 2010

next stop . . . Armageddon

The end of days is near, folks.  Nancy Pelosi, former speaker of the House of Representatives and ardent critic of the Bush Administration's failure to quickly capture OBL, (see my 5/3/2011 post) called George Bush (he is such a lucky ducky) to thank him for his efforts that made OBL's capture possible.  What's next?  Hopefully, Obama will morally rejuvenate himself and admit the patient care and protection act is a 2000+ page pile of porkulus in dire need of repeal.  Ha Ha Ha, I'm such a dreamer.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama bin Laden died for his sins

On Sunday May 1. 2011, President Obama announced to the world (after a 30+ minute delay) that Osama bin Laden was killed by an American Armed Forces Special Operations team.  The team found him in a heavily fortified, $1 million mansion in Abbotabad, Pakistan.   Abbotabad is a suburb of Islamabad, Pakistan and the home of a Pakistani military academy.  Several retired Pakistani Military (read as rich) lived very close to the compound.  The team, Seal Team 6 to be precise, came in by helicopter and left 40 minutes later with bin Laden's corpse.  Bin Laden was buried at sea on the USS Carl Vinson.  The rationale for this was to respect Muslim burial tradition of burial within 24 hours of death.  Burial at sea was chosen to prevent the grave from becoming a shrine or Mecca for his followers.
A lot of people are breathing a sigh of relief over this.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not one of them.  She did a complete 180 degree  turn from her position in 2006.  Then, she said bin Laden had done irreversible harm to the nation and finding him would never correct it.  Way back in 2006, she said that the capture or killing of OBL was 5 years too late and would not make the USA any safer.  On Monday May 1, 2011, Ms. Pelosi said “The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida,”  Check out the link below for all the details.  A special thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this to my attention.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Pelosi Changes Tune on bin Laden
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Prodigal Birth Certificate

On Monday, April 25, 2011 Hawaii's registrar certified a long form birth certificate for Barack Hussien Obama as a true and legal document.  During Tuesday's White House press briefing, Jay Carney lambasted a reporter for asking why the President did not release the long form birth certificate and settle the issue of his eligibility.  On Wednesday morning, the White House posted the long form birth certificate online.  Obama said he did this to end the controversy over his citizenship so he could focus on more important issues.  The controversy did not seem to affect his "focus" (maybe obsession would be a better term) on ramming Obamacare through congress despite all the negative feedback the American People were giving him on it.
The timelines on this are interesting.  Back in January, Neal Abercrombie, Governor of Hawaii and friend of the President's maternal grandparents, announced there was some kind of written record of Obama's birth, just not a long form birth certificate.  Then on April 25 a long form birth certificate is conjured up, certified and delivered to the White House on Wednesday morning at the latest.
There are already skeptics who doubt the authenticity of this instant birth certificate.  The list of suspicious items is long.  Why is Obama Senior's race listed as African.  African is not a race it is a nationality.  Negro or colored were the terms used for black people back in the 1960s.  There are faint x marks above the boxes for twin and triplet.  The attending physican's signature box is smudged.

If Obama thinks this will make doubts about his citizenship and eligibility go away, he's wrong.  To paraphrase his buddy Rahm Emanuel, never let a possible conspiracy to deceive the people go to waste.  As one of our creditors, China, likes to say: we will be living in interesting times. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

The True Road to Recovery

Friday night John Boehner, Harry Reid and Barack Obama reached a budget agreement for the U.S. government.  Conservatives and liberals complained there was too much compromise involved but hey, that is how agreements are reached between parties with different agendas.  Personally, I would have preferred higher spending cuts.  The democrats' threat to shut down the government would have hurt them more than the republicans.  Remember, Bill Clinton shut the government down for 3 weeks in 1995 and we're still here.  Back in the 1970s the government was shut down over budget problems.  I was a Federal employee with the Social Security Administration at the time.  I and my coworkers went to work every day.  The only difference was our earnings from October 1 until the budget was resolved was delayed.  We did not get any interest on the delayed funds even though they were in the U. S. Treasury deposits accounts earning interest.

At least we have a budget again.  The demagogues democrats were so busy with their 2500 page earmark and pork-laden piece of scrap law called obamacare they forgot(??!!) to make a budget.  A budget is a map for government to follow.  No budget means no real control over the government's spending.

One more point here.  There were reports that non-essential federal employees would be laid off until the budget impasse was resolved.  The number of employees affected was estimated between 500,000 and 800,000.  If that number could be reduced that would be a considerable savings.  It's like what Jay Leno said in response to Mr. Obama's request that small businesses increase hiring, The President forgot that only the government hires more people than they need.   

Friday, March 25, 2011

obamacare waiver 1001

Michael Weiner, U.S. rep for New York City, possible candidate for mayor of New York City, wants to grant yet another waiver for obamacare regulations.  Since over 1000 waivers have already been granted in the first 12 months of obamacare this should not seem too shocking.  Since most of these waivers were granted to obamacare's most ardent supporters, such as public employee unions, it still should not be shocking.  Since Mr. Weiner was one of the last left wing liberals to give up on the public option, it still should not be too shocking.  The shocking fact is Mr. Weiner wants to grant an obamacare waiver to the City of New York, population 8+ million (according to the 2008 World Almanac and book of facts).  Mr. Weiner is of the opinion that the big apple is so well versed in the practice of socialized medicine and government invervention into individual lives and liberties that the obamanation could take lessons from NYC on how to pave the road to socialism.  This is a change of heart from the Obama administration and his sock puppets czars who want to transform the USA into a socialist democracy like too much of western Europe.

The question of the day is how many demagoguescrats and other supporters of obamacare have got to label obamacare as the doormat to a single payer health care system??!!  People that think socialized/nationalized health care or even government in general should try living in one of these nations.  How many people think millionaire socialist documentary maker Michael Moore will request an air ambulance to Havana when he has a heart attack??  (Yes, I believe he has a heart, despite the fact that he fired one of his employees on Christmas Eve.  I do wonder how many chambers his heart has, though)

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Simple Method to Reduce Government Spending

I recently came across a website for the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention called MMWR,  the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.  It reports incidents of disease such as HIV, heart disease, cancers, salmonella and e-coli, to name a few.   My first impression was what a ghoulish report this must be, albeit a necessary one.  Then I had a real brainstorm.  Why not publish the report monthly and send out an alert to health officials and doctors if there is a sudden spike in a particular disease that warrants prompt investigation.  This would save taxpayers dollars on printing and production costs as well as spare health officials and doctors from having an information overload.  This is such a simple and straightforward idea it should be a cakewalk to implement as far government programs go.  The only problem is government's innate resistance to change, especially when brings about more productivity per worker.  As Jay Leno commented on the tonight show, President Obama asked the nation's small businesses to hire more people.  Obama forgot that only the Government hires more people than it needs. (not a verbatim quote, but you get the idea)  For more information on the MMWR click here.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Obamacare declared unconstitutional again

U. S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional because  of the individual mandate.   Since Obamacare did not carry a severability clause, this rendered the entire act  unconstitutional and therefore null and void.  Judge Vinson did allow the government to continue implementing the act until it was struck down by the U S Supreme Court or Congress.   Declaring the act unconstitutional was a cake walk.   The best part was his reference to one of the great constitutional legal minds of the day, then presidential candidate Barack Obama.  He was on one of the great forums for public policy and legal discussions, the Ellen Degeneres show February 28, 2008.   He faulted Hillary Clinton's campaign requiring universal coverage to pay for increased coverage while lowering policy costs.  Mr. Obama stated "She’d have the government force every individual to buy insurance and I don’t have such a mandate because I don’t think the problem is that people don’t want health insurance, it’s that they can’t afford it, .  .  .So, I focus more on lowering costs."  Mr. Obama also stated that if mandatory  health insurance would lower health insurance premuims, then mandatory home ownership would alleviate homelessness.  The home ownership remark struck me as odd coming from a politician who accepted $126,000.00 from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, merchants of sub prime mortgages. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Howard Dean on the future of obamacare

Here's an interesting clip of Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee Chairman and presidential candidate, espousing on the future of Obamacare.  President Obama makes a "clip within a clip" cameo appearance reiterating his empty promise that people can keep their existing health insurance and their doctor.  Period and end of story.

An intrepid reporter asked if the individual mandate was constitutional, he replied he didn't care because the courts would work that out.  His comment that small business would drop private insurance and dump their employees into the state exchanges was revealing of the true nature of obamacare.  Gee whiz, Howard, I seem to recall employers could be fined for not providing health insurance.  I hope it's a small fine if they decide to do that.  Of course, politician that he is, he also failed to answer the individual mandate constitutionality issue.  This tactic must be on page 1 of the democrats obamacare talking points handbook. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the wicked witch of the west speaks again

Quote of the week

“If everyone in America was very, very pleased with his or her health insurance and had no complaints, and had access to quality affordable health care in our country, it still would have been necessary for us to pass the health-care reform bill because we could not sustain the system,”  Nancy Pelosi January 4, 2011.

Counterquotes of the week

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
-- Mark Twain, 1894

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. "
-- Mark Twain (1866) 

Here is a video of Nancy Pelosi trying to justify the tactics the democrats used to ram Obamacare through Congress.  Enjoy!

Mrs. Pelosi just doesn't get it.  The American people know the costs of health insurance is too high and heading higher.  The American people do not want more government interference in health care.  Obamacare scares Americans because it is a paving stone in the road to socialism.   This is why the democrats lost the house in the 2010 election.