Over 11 months ago, Leroy Fick, age 59 of Auburn , Michigan won $2 million in the state lottery game "Make Me Rich". After taxes and fees, he was left with a less than paltry $850,000. Prior to his winnings, he was a Michigan Bridge Card recipient, AKA food stamps. Mr. Fick reported his winning to his local Department of Human Services. He was advised that since he accepted his winning in a lump sum payment, it did not affect his bridge card eligibility at all. If he had taken the winnings in annuity form spread over time, the money would be counted as income, rendering him ineligible for food assistance. Apparently, there is no resource or asset limits on food assistance. I used to work as a welfare case worker in the early 1990s and there was a $1,000.00 asset limit on food stamps. This was in Ohio. I cannot imagine that the Federal Guidelines for food assistance have changed that much. How will we ever balance our budget or reduce government spending if we keep giving money away like this??
Michigan's state population for 2010 was 10,079,985. 1.9 million people in Michigan received food assistance. That is 18.8 percent of the state's population on food assistance funded by taxpayers. In 2009 the Inspector General's office investigated 2600 food assistance complaints and found $5 million + in fraud. My question is how flagrant were these fraud cases if money in the bank is not fraud???
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Train to Nowhere Departing at a Leisurely Pace
Remember back to the Stimulus/Bailout/spend our way out of a recession caused by subprime lending ad nausem era how high speed trains (faster than a speeding bullet) were going to create lots of jobs and improve our infrastructure?? Well, guess what. Several states have reviewed their budgetary state of affairs and decided now is not the time to throw more money at a system that is currently losing money. So, no bullet trains for now. But wait, the state of Illinois is spending $3bn of their existing stimulus funds on adding 3 new trains to the 5 that run between Chicago and St. Louis. Not only that, the average speed of these trains will increase from 51.2 mph to 56.8 mph!!! Woo Hoo Hold on to your hats everyone!! We'll need airline pilots to fly these rail rockets!! I wonder how much more $$$ it would take to get these trains to the magical mile a minute speed of 60 mph?? 1, 2, 4 billion?? I doubt it. There would be calls for research on the effects of breaking this subsonic barrier on the environment, no doubt about it. Never mind that tractor trailer rigs break this barrier on a daily basis. To paraphrase Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama's former chief of staff and the future mayor of Chicago, "Never let an opportunity to waste taxpayers money go to waste."
Economic stimulus,
high speed trains,
Rahm Emanuel
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Pelosi's District Awarded 38 of 204 Obamacare Waivers in April
Quote of the Day: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it…” – Nancy Pelosi, March 9, 2010, referring to obamacare
Counter Quote of the Day: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821
The Obama Administration's Department of Health and Human Services awarded 204 waivers from obamacare in April. 38 of these went to businesses in ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi's current congressional district. The unusual part of this story is the presence of luxury restaurants, hotels and boutiques in the winner's circle. One restaurant had entrees ranging from $15.00 to $60.00, definitely not a Mickey D's franchise. Usually, these waivers go to businesses with low wage jobs such as fast food restaurants and nursing homes. Most of the 38 winners did not return calls to the DailyCaller who reported this interesting coincidence. If memory serves me correctly, Nancy Pelosi was one of Obamacare's biggest supporters and called opponents of it astroturf and Nazis. Yes, folks, Nancy Pelosi, cheerleader emeritus for the 2500 pages of pork, earmarks and bribes known as Obamacare called people who objected to the nationalized and socialized aspects of this nightmare brought to our health care delivery system Nazis. Nazis were nationalist socialist led by Adolph Hitler in WWII. Maybe Pelosi meant it as a compliment. Maybe after reading the entire act Pelosi decided it was a mistake and was discretely cheering the TEA partyers on to victory. Right, Yeah!!
Counter Quote of the Day: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821
The Obama Administration's Department of Health and Human Services awarded 204 waivers from obamacare in April. 38 of these went to businesses in ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi's current congressional district. The unusual part of this story is the presence of luxury restaurants, hotels and boutiques in the winner's circle. One restaurant had entrees ranging from $15.00 to $60.00, definitely not a Mickey D's franchise. Usually, these waivers go to businesses with low wage jobs such as fast food restaurants and nursing homes. Most of the 38 winners did not return calls to the DailyCaller who reported this interesting coincidence. If memory serves me correctly, Nancy Pelosi was one of Obamacare's biggest supporters and called opponents of it astroturf and Nazis. Yes, folks, Nancy Pelosi, cheerleader emeritus for the 2500 pages of pork, earmarks and bribes known as Obamacare called people who objected to the nationalized and socialized aspects of this nightmare brought to our health care delivery system Nazis. Nazis were nationalist socialist led by Adolph Hitler in WWII. Maybe Pelosi meant it as a compliment. Maybe after reading the entire act Pelosi decided it was a mistake and was discretely cheering the TEA partyers on to victory. Right, Yeah!!
Nancy Pelosi,
Sunday, May 8, 2011
gutsycall.com . . .unbelievable
On 4 May, 2011 someone purchased the domain name "gutsycall.com" at GoDaddy.com. This person(s) also bought a privacy service where the owner's name is not given but refers to a GoDaddy subsidary so the public cannot find out the true owner of the domain without a court order. When someone types gutsycall.com into their browser's address bar, they are redirected to barackobama.com. Of course, the Obama administration is denying they set up the website or bought the domain name. I'm certain there are a few fans of BHO who would do this for him. No matter who did it, BHO still has to contend with our huge national debt, high unemployment and increased states resistance to obamacare. Let's not forget the immigration issue and the crime problems on the Mexican border. If BHO thinks he can sit on the laurels of bin Ladel's death and it will turn into a magic carpet to deliver him to November 2012 with popularity he has a lot to learn. One of the best things to come out of bin Laden's death, aside from the death itself, was a recent public opinion poll. Despite the Lamestream Media's talking airheads constant praise of BHO and his 18 hour delayed gutsy call, most Americans attribute the demise of bin Laden to the combined efforts of the CIA and the US Armed Forces. It is reassuring to know that common sense is still alive and well among the American people.
Barack Obama,
Osama bin Laden
Latest Revelation From the White House
President Barack Obama made the earth stand still the other day when he revealed that Osama bin Laden had a support group within Pakistan!! I was quite flabbergasted since I would never had thought it was possible. Granted, OBL did stay there for several years; granted, he was very close to a Pakistani military academy and 3 Pakistani army regiments and he was in a neighborhood full of retired Pakistani military officers. I would never have connected the dots together to reach that conclusion. Maybe I should get a Harvard Law Degree. Nope, I don't want to become a socialist and despise the USA.
Barack Obama,
Osama bin Laden
Saturday, May 7, 2011
bin Laden hit the wrong tower in NYC
Navi Pillay, UN high commissioner for human rights, has requested details on Osama bin Laden's death since all counterterrorism acts must respect international law. Respect international law?? Did the UN make inquiries to Al-qaeda for details on why they hijacked 4 commercial airliners and used them as weapons to destroy both NYC world trade towers, damage the Pentagon and crash in Pennsylvania killing 3000 people in one day?? No, they didn't. Apparently, Ms. Pillay has been on her Sony PlayStation the last 10 years and missed the ongoing saga of Osama bin Laden. I wonder if she would have made this absurd request if the PlayStation Network was not shut down. Has she become another addict of PlayStation? Is the withdrawal addling her thought processes? If the US had notified third parties such as Ms. Pillay, would operational secrecy been maintained?? I don't think so. Check out Michelle Malkin's response to Ms. Pillay here.
9/11 attacks,
Navi Pillay,
Osama bin Laden,
United Nations
Friday, May 6, 2011
Speaking of ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi
Here's an amusing video clip of Nancy Pelosi speaking on the virtues of unemployment insurance benefits. Yes folks, she did find two good things about unemployment compensation. It helps people who lost their jobs pay for food and shelter. When people spend their unemployment benefits they "create" jobs. It is an interesting idea that she claims has the support of many economists. Except for the fact she and these economists have it all wrong, I would support the idea too. The problem is unemployment benefits are 50% of a persons wages in a recent 12 month period. So unemployed people are stimulating the economy less because they have to cut back on their spending. Ms. Pelosi would really help stimulate the economy by putting her mind in gear and her mouth in neutral. If she would help repeal obamacare and other job crushing tax bills she would see unemployment start to drop. Every time congress finds a new way to spend the taxpayers money, they send more jobs offshore. IF she would sponsor real immigration reform and cut down the number of illegal immigrants taking jobs from American Citizens. Oops, I forgot, immigration amnesty is encouraged by democrats like Pelosi in hopes the immigrants will vote for them. Stop taxing the citizens who are already here and you wouldn't need to import votes.
Note: This video was made in July 2010
Note: This video was made in July 2010
Nancy Pelosi,
unemployment benefits
next stop . . . Armageddon
The end of days is near, folks. Nancy Pelosi, former speaker of the House of Representatives and ardent critic of the Bush Administration's failure to quickly capture OBL, (see my 5/3/2011 post) called George Bush (he is such a lucky ducky) to thank him for his efforts that made OBL's capture possible. What's next? Hopefully, Obama will morally rejuvenate himself and admit the patient care and protection act is a 2000+ page pile of porkulus in dire need of repeal. Ha Ha Ha, I'm such a dreamer.
Barack Obama,
death of OBL,
George Bush,
Nancy Pelosi
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Osama bin Laden died for his sins
On Sunday May 1. 2011, President Obama announced to the world (after a 30+ minute delay) that Osama bin Laden was killed by an American Armed Forces Special Operations team. The team found him in a heavily fortified, $1 million mansion in Abbotabad, Pakistan. Abbotabad is a suburb of Islamabad, Pakistan and the home of a Pakistani military academy. Several retired Pakistani Military (read as rich) lived very close to the compound. The team, Seal Team 6 to be precise, came in by helicopter and left 40 minutes later with bin Laden's corpse. Bin Laden was buried at sea on the USS Carl Vinson. The rationale for this was to respect Muslim burial tradition of burial within 24 hours of death. Burial at sea was chosen to prevent the grave from becoming a shrine or Mecca for his followers.
A lot of people are breathing a sigh of relief over this.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not one of them. She did a complete 180 degree turn from her position in 2006. Then, she said bin Laden had done irreversible harm to the nation and finding him would never correct it. Way back in 2006, she said that the capture or killing of OBL was 5 years too late and would not make the USA any safer. On Monday May 1, 2011, Ms. Pelosi said “The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida,” Check out the link below for all the details. A special thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this to my attention.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Pelosi Changes Tune on bin Laden
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
A lot of people are breathing a sigh of relief over this.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not one of them. She did a complete 180 degree turn from her position in 2006. Then, she said bin Laden had done irreversible harm to the nation and finding him would never correct it. Way back in 2006, she said that the capture or killing of OBL was 5 years too late and would not make the USA any safer. On Monday May 1, 2011, Ms. Pelosi said “The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida,” Check out the link below for all the details. A special thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this to my attention.
Read more on Newsmax.com: Pelosi Changes Tune on bin Laden
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
death of OBL,
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