Tuesday, November 23, 2010

a couple of videos

Here's a couple of videos that poke fun at some of our politicians. It will offset the tragedy at Yeonpyeong the earlier post and whatever other news you see today. If I do not post again, have a safe and grope-free Thanksgiving Day.

Video 1 "Safer"

Safer from RightChange on Vimeo.

Video 2: The return of the (now) 25 foot Pelosi

North Korea attacks South Korean island of Yeonpyeong.

North Korea launched an artillery attack on Yeonpyeong, an island of 1200 people near the North Korean border. South Korea launched 80 rounds of artillery in defense. No motives have been given at this time. The South Korean President announced an investigation into a possible relationship between this attack and North Korean war game exercises started near the border on Monday 2 November, 2010. IMHO, it's time to offer South Korea enough missiles to bomb North Korea's new nuclear enrichment plant back to the stone age, after they sign an acceptable trade agreement.

Actually, the US and South Korea have mutual defense treaties in place. Maybe North Korea is trying to frighten US and South Korea into breaking the treaty. Let's hope this does not worsen and the treaties remain strong.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween special rants

What better way to celebrate Halloween than a visit with the wicked witch of the west, the current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Here are a couple YouTube clips of her. She must be a narcissistic foot fetisher and a very limber lady to be able to put her foot in her mouth as she does.

Video clip 1

She states that without Obama'a economic recovery package, 500,000,000 Americans will lose their jobs. According to the CIA World Fact Book, the US population size was 310,232,863 (July 2010 est.) Now here's the truly scary fact of life. The US Presidential line of sucession goes first to the VP currently Joe Biden then to the Speaker of the House, currently the WWW, Nancy Pelosi. As much as I disagree with the President, I pray for his continuing health and safety.

Video 2

In this clip Speaker Pelosi ignores a reporter's question about the fairness of the Health Care bill's individual mandate to buy health insurance. She also evades his question about whether people who do not get health insurance can go to jail. Finally, she just ends the press conference and ignores the reporter.

Also, her defense of the insurance mandate is that without it, people will go to emergency rooms and pass the bill on to others. She said the mandate was fair because it provides subsidies for people who cannot afford health insurance. These subsidies are taxpayer funded, so the mandate will not spare people having to pay for other people's medical bills, it just changes the way the taxpayers subsidize the underinsured medical bills. That is just another redistribution of wealth scam on her part.