Because they lack the bargaining power that large businesses have and face higher administrative costs per person, small businesses pay up to 18 percent more for the very same health insurance plans – costs that eat into their profits and get passed on to their employees.
As a result, small businesses are much less likely to offer health insurance. Those that do tend to have less generous plans. In a recent survey, one third of small businesses reported cutting benefits. Many have dropped coverage altogether. And many have shed jobs, or shut their doors entirely.
This is unsustainable, it’s unacceptable, and it’s going to change when I sign health insurance reform into law.
President Barack Obama Weekly Address to the Nation 7/25/2009 Available at
When I take this bill to the floor, it will win. But we will move forward
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on CNN State of the Union July 26, 2009 Transcript available here.
First, I am absolutely delighted that President Obama realizes the importance of small business in the American economy. He cites a rather long study by the Council Of Economic Advisers to support his concern. The report is also available at It is dated July 25, 2009 the day he gave his weekly address. Too bad the CAE didn't publish it sooner, I'm certain it would have dispelled any and all concerns about a negative impact of health care on small businesses. (slight sarcasm!)
For Speaker Pelosi, a point of clarification please. You stated that when you take the bill to the house floor you will win, which I presume is your goal. Then you say "But we will move forward." The way I interpret this remark is that the health care bill is a move backward, if you move forward after it is passed by the house.
And now a question for both of you. Imagine you are not professional politicians for a moment but small business owners. Which would be easier for you to understand and comply with, a bill that is 10 pages long, 100 pages long or 1000 pages, the length of the current Health Care Reform Bill? Do you see my point? I believe you will have better success if you break it up and try to get the least expensive and burdensome parts of the bill passed first. But then, what would I know? I'm not a professional politician.